When 10 year-old Amelia Earheart first saw a plane, she said, "It was a thing of rusty wire and wood and not at all interesting... "But many years later, when she was given the chance to take a 10-minute flight over Los Angeles on a biplane, Amelia new she had to fly. She took flying lessons and save enough money to buy her own plane. Amelia started setting all-time high-flying records - including becoming the first woman to fly so low across the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. Amelia flew all over the world - all around the globe people look up to her. She was honored with several awards but her desire to push boundaries never stopped. Her last flight took off from Los Angeles on March 17, 1937, and months later, as she approached the Pacific Islands, trouble set in. "We must be on you but cannot see you. Gas is running low. We are circling but cannot see the island, " was the last message received form Earhart. Although many search teams were sent to look for her plane wreck near Howland Island, nothing was ever found.
Hey sis, I know that this is off topic but I just want to say that, yeah, you can post the video here :) Thanks for visiting, btw :)
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