In the world of anime, we are used to stories of magical girls battling monsters, giant robots waging war and martial artists fighting with powers. So the idea of an anime without fantastic or futuristic elements sounds, well, strange. But one kind of "realistic" anime, the Detective anime, is steadily gaining popularity. Let's take a closer look.
Detective anime are filled with mystery and suspense as their heroes try to solve crimes in every episode. Conan Edogawa from Detective Conan constantly cracks private detective Kagorou Mouri's cases for him - even if Conan is only seven-years-old (he is a 17 y-old boy trapped in a seven-year-old boy's body.)
Detective anime usually have several main characters fulfilling different roles like Kyu, Megumi Minami, Kintarou Touyama, Kazuma Narusawa and Ryu Amakusa from Detective School Q. However, sometimes a single lead character has a supporting cast like Hejime Kindaichi and his friends in the police from Files of Young Kindaichi.
There are three important roles:
1. The Natural-Born Detective, it is very important tho have gift with the skills of observation and reasoning, unlike others who need to stay and train others who need to study and train to achieve the same level.
2. The Brains of the Group, Intelligent and research is important too. Analyzing the clues that the group discover, then the natural-Born Detective puts the clues together and solves the case.
3. The Bungling Sidekick, means well and tries really hard to keep but clueless. When the time comes to solve the mystery, the Bungling Sidekick represents the viewers who may have missed something or couldn't keep up.
If you think Detective anime are boring because they're set in the real world then you've got another think coming! They are thrilling stories packed with action and danger as the heroes often risk their lives to find the truth and catch the bad guys! Tune in to these problem-solvers when you get tired of your magical girls, giant robots and martial artists, or if you just want something a little different!